The International Suzuki Association (ISA) strives to encourage, promote, enlarge, and coordinate the Suzuki Method™ throughout the world.
The International Suzuki Association (ISA) was founded in 1983 as a non-profit organisation in Dallas, Texas in order to serve as a coalition of Suzuki Associations throughout the world. Its primary purpose is to serve as an co-ordination centre and to protect the "Suzuki" name and rights.

The ISA was designated by Dr Suzuki as the sole authorised organisation which can grant rights to the use of his name and the marks "Suzuki", "Suzuki Method", and other similar terms throughout the world.
The ISA is an organization of organizations. At present five Regional Associations have been licensed by the International Suzuki Association. The Regional Associations have been given rights to grant sub-licenses to national associations or other organizations within their area. Each Regional Association has the same goals as the International Suzuki Association: to encourage, promote, enlarge and coordinate the Suzuki Method within their area, and to maintain the highest standards of educational instruction.
The ISA is managed by a Board of Directors which includes representatives of the Regional Associations. The ISA's Instrument Committees advise the ISA board on matters relating to educational material and musical repertoire and editions.
The Regional Associations are the members of the International Suzuki Association. Some of them, in turn, have National Suzuki Associations as their members, and these have individual members, who may be teachers, parents of students or interested members of the public. The ISA is the umbrella organization for the five Regional Associations. Please contact your specific Regional Association first concerning membership in a Suzuki association.
To become members of the ISA, teachers or other interested individuals, therefore need to join their own regional Suzuki association, or where appropriate the local or national association in their own area. A proportion of membership dues collected by such local organisations will be paid to the Regional Associations who will pay an annual membership fee on behalf of all their members to the International Suzuki Association. For more information please contact the Regional Associations.

New Posting in the ISA Online Archive:
The Early Years of the Suzuki Method in the Americas from the ASTA Journal Archives
The Talent Education movement in the Americas owes a great debt to the original pioneers of the Suzuki Method who were leaders in the American String Teachers Association during the 1960s and 1970s. The following ASTA Journal articles highlight many of the activities sponsored by ASTA members around the US and Canada in these early years, exploring this new pedagogical approach advanced by Dr. Suzuki.
ISA appreciates the cooperation of Lynn Tuttle, ASTA Executive Director and CEO, and the current ASTA Board of Directors for permission to reprint these fascinating articles.

New ISA Online Journal for January 2025
Use the link below to access all the articles, news and pictures from Suzuki regions around the world. Many thanks to all our contributors for this latest edition.
In this issue:
- The Suzuki Method: The Life and Times of Dr. Shin’ichi Suzuki
- In Memoriam Mr. Yasuki Nakamura, NSW Honorary President, Australia
- Suzuki Talent Education Association Singapore hosts Funtasy 2025
- Taiwan Talent Education Association Flute Ensemble plays in Macao
- Suzuki Music Association of Indonesia Hosts Grand Concert
- Suzuki Teachers’ Convention Italy 2024
- European Suzuki Viola Gathering 2024
- A Letter from La Plata
- Ed Kreitman’s Retirement Celebration
- TERI Updates from Ryugo Hyano
View the January 2025 ISA Journal
Chinese Translation Now Available
Many thanks to the Taiwan Talent Education Association for providing this translation in Mandarin and Simplified Chinese.

New Publication:
The Life and Times of Dr. Suzuki
by Fumiyo Kuramochi
Translated by Lili Selden
The ISA is proud to present the first installment from this new biography of Dr. Suzuki by his former student and noted Suzuki pedagogue, Fumiyo Kuramochi. In her capacity as Vice-Chairperson of the Textbook Committee for TERI, she has undertaken this important and daunting task of chronicling not only Dr. Suzuki’s work to establish the Talent Education movement, but also an in-depth look at his family and their roots in Japanese society that fostered Dr. Suzuki’s reflections and motivated his pursuit of this idea that has affected so many lives around the world now for generations, and continues to greatly influence not only instrumental pedagogy, but educational philosophy in general.
Memories of Matsumoto from Suzuki Graduates and Pioneers

The ISA commissioned TERI Violin Graduate and SAA Teacher-Trainer Amanda Schubert the daunting task of collecting and creating a permanent archive of written memories and photos from Suzuki teachers around the world who were fortunate to attend and graduate from the then-named Talent Education Institute (now known as TERI) in Matsumoto, under the tutelage of Dr. Suzuki and the other trainers at the school in cello, flute, guitar, oboe, piano and violin.
Truly we are indebted to Amanda for this comprehensive archive of prose and photos that will be updated as we continue to receive additional material from contributors. If you are one of those (!), please contact the ISA office for information concerning submissions. The goal is to collect as many memories as possible to share with our Suzuki family around the globe.
Enjoy browsing through this vast treasure of memories of lessons and experiences in Japan.

The Life of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki: A Chronology
The ISA is proud to announce this important new publication chronicling the life of Dr. Suzuki decade by decade through text and pictures, from his early upbringing, his time in Germany, the return to Japan, and the flowering of the Talent Education movement worldwide.
The ISA is indebted to Mikio Shin of TERI, the original author of the Chronology, for his permission to expand and translate this significant new document. And to Lili Selden and Ruth Miura for their work on the English translation.

Suzuki Audio Downloads
The recordings are an essential part of the Suzuki Method®, and it’s important to us that the official professional recordings are available to every student and teacher. As CDs and CD players are becoming a thing of the past, we’ve now made the recordings easily accessible in a digital format.
All official Suzuki recordings are available to purchase and download from Amazon Music, iTunes Store, and Alfred Media. When purchased from any of these platforms, recordings can be played from a computer, phone, smart speaker, or even a smart TV from the respective online library or app.
Updated AMPV List
Be sure that you have the most recent versions of the Suzuki materials by consulting the updated AMPV list.
AMPV numbers are now on the title page of newer or updated Suzuki Method™ books to allow teachers and families to know if they are purchasing the latest edition of a book.
- AMPV numbers are now on the title page of newer or updated Suzuki Method books.
- AMPV stands for Alfred Music Publishing Version and is followed by a number, such as 1.0.
- These numbers apply only to books, not to recordings.
- If a book is not listed, the book has not been changed since 2010.
- This list will be updated as needed. Please check back occasionally.
International Suzuki Association (ISA):
Executive Director (ED) Position Opening
The International Suzuki Association (ISA), a non-profit organization incorporated in Dallas, Texas, and a federation of Suzuki Associations worldwide, is seeking a passionate and experienced leader to serve as our Executive Director (ED). This position is a redefined role that continues the legacy of Mr. Allen Lieb, who has served with distinction as our CEO. The new ED will begin their role in July 2026, with a one-year transition period starting in July 2025. During this time, the ED-elect is expected to participate as an observer on the ISA Board of Directors.
Position Start Date: 1 July 2026
Application Period Extended: 1 September 2024 through 15 February 2025
Expected Issuance of Offer: By June 2025
For full details on responsibilities, qualifications, and how to apply, please see:
Italian Court Ruling Affirms the Exclusive Use of SUZUKI™ Method and Trademark by the ISA and Its Affiliated Regional Associations
In March 2022, a violin teacher, who studied and obtained a certification from the Deutsches Suzuki Institut (DSG), claimed, within a precautionary proceeding before the Court of Turin in Italy, (i) to be entitled to qualify herself as "Suzuki teacher" or "Suzuki Method violin teacher" and (ii) to lawfully use such expressions without infringing the SUZUKI trademark. Istituto Suzuki Italiano (ISI) and International Suzuki Association (ISA) defended the SUZUKI trademark and strenuously contested the opposing arguments and requested that the teacher's use of the SUZUKI trademark be prohibited.
ISI and ISA, in particular, highlighted how DSG is no longer part of the Suzuki™ network as of 2011, and how, therefore, DSG is not entitled to issue any certification relating to the Suzuki™ Method.
The Court upheld ISI's and ISA's arguments and therefore inhibited the teacher's use of the SUZUKI sign and consequently of the title "Suzuki teacher" and "Suzuki Method violin teacher”, as she had not obtained certification from an institute accredited with the Suzuki™ network.
This is an extremely significant decision at a European level, since the Court has recognized that the worldwide Suzuki™ network governed by ISA is the only legitimate entity to teach - and train - the Suzuki™ Method and entitled to exclusive use of the SUZUKI trademark.
The International Suzuki Association (ISA) was founded in 1983 as a non-profit organization in Dallas, Texas in order to serve as a coalition of Suzuki Associations throughout the world. Its primary purpose is to serve as a co-ordination center and to protect the "Suzuki" name and rights. The ISA was designated by Dr. Suzuki as the sole authorized organization which can grant rights to the use of his name and the marks "Suzuki", “SUZUKI™ Method”, and other similar terms throughout the world.
At present, five Regional Associations have been licensed by the International Suzuki Association and been given rights to grant sub-licenses to national associations or other organizations within their area.
Update to the 2018 ISA Press Release Concerning a False Posting by the German Suzuki Association (DSG)
The ISA has noted the continued posting of a misleading message on the website of the DSG, an organization not a part of the ESA, the ISA nor authorized to use the SUZUKI name. This post asserting that the ISA does not own the mark SUZUKI is untrue. It is a misrepresentation of fact and poses a liability issue to anyone following that course of action.
In fact, the ISA continues to own registrations for SUZUKI and other SUZUKI marks throughout the world, including Germany. Any assertion to the contrary is inaccurate.
The DSG bases its claims on a decision in a court document from November 2014. Please read the following link for a complete and accurate transcript of the document in question, and not the altered and redacted version as posted by the DSG.
The ISA has written to the administration of the DSG repeatedly requesting this post be deleted. The DSG has responded that the post is no longer on its site. However, the post clearly does remain on the DSG site despite those assurances. ISA will continue to monitor this misrepresentation of its protection of the SUZUKI trademark in the interest of and obligations to all members of the world-wide Suzuki community.
Consensus Statement Concerning Online Teacher-Training from the ISA Board of Directors – Updated March 2021
In-person, individual approaches to training and mentoring teachers are foundational to the Suzuki Method and are an essential component in Suzuki Teacher Development.
ISA recognizes virtual teacher training as a valid delivery method to support in person training.
Technology is a powerful tool but cannot replace the essential elements of human connection and live interaction.