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Now Available on Google Play:
Portuguese Translation of Nurtured by Love
Alfred Music and the International Suzuki Association are pleased to announce that Educação é Amor: Um Novo Método de Educação, the Portuguese translation of Nurtured by Love, is now available for purchase as an ebook from the Google Play store.
About the eBook:
This book is the cornerstone upon which to build any Suzuki library. In it, the author presents the philosophy and principles of Suzuki's teaching methods. Through the examples from his own life and teaching, Suzuki establishes his case for early childhood education and the high potential of every human being---not just those seemingly gifted. Written by Shinichi Suzuki, translated into German by Waltraud Suzuki and into Portuguese by Anne Corinna Gottberg. This is the first digital edition in Portuguese.
Este livro é fundamental para a compreensão das bases do Método Suzuki. Nele, o autor apresenta a filosofia e os princípios de seu método de ensino. Através de exemplos de sua própria vida e ensino, Suzuki defende a educação a partir da primeira infância e o alto potencial de cada ser humano, não apenas daqueles aparentemente superdotados. Escrito por Shinichi Suzuki, traduzido para o alemão por Waltraud Suzuki e para o português por Anne Corinna Gottberg. Esta é a primeira edição digital em português.

A First for the Suzuki Method: Suzuki in Space
In conjunction with the El Sistema USA /Polaris Dawn curriculum released last spring, Suzuki-trained violinist Sarah Levine recorded a performance of Rey’s Theme from Star Wars in space this week during the Polaris Dawn mission. This arrangement of Rey’s Theme was composed by John Williams for Anne-Sophie Mutter, who granted permission for Sarah’s performance. Her performance has been blended into the orchestral accompaniment recorded in July 2023 at the Eastman Scoring Stage at Warner Brothers in Los Angeles, and supplemented by several student groups from around the world. The theme of the performance is to highlight the resilience and hope of children around the world.
Sarah was the student of William Starr as well as a participant in the Boulder Suzuki Strings program from a very young age. She uses the skills Mr. Starr taught her every day as an engineer! Sarah collaborated with Barbara Barber at Robertson and Sons in Albuquerque to donate an instrument for this project, and the instrument was made by Christian Pederson. The outfit will be auctioned to raise funds for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
The ISA is sad to announce the passing of Yasuki Nakamura, the great Suzuki pioneer of Australia and pedagogue across the Asian region. Mr. Nakamura served the ISA in many capacities over the years including the Board of Directors and the ISA Violin Committee. His influence on Suzuki teaching and representation of Dr. Suzuki’s philosophy are unmatched. We owe him an enormous debt of gratitude for his life–long devotion to the Talent Education movement around the globe. Please read this moving tribute from his home Suzuki association in Sydney, Australia.
Message from Mr. Takao Mizushima, President, Suzuki Music, Sydney Australia

I am sad to inform you all of the following news.
NSW Suzuki Honorary President, Mr Yasuki Nakamura, passed away on the evening of 17 September. As many of our members may know, Mr Nakamura is well known both at home and abroad for having trained many students and produced many excellent violinists in the Suzuki Method from Sydney.
Former NSW Suzuki President, late Mr Harold Brissenden, pleaded with Dr Suzuki to send a Suzuki teacher from Japan to train violin teachers in Sydney. As a result, in 1978, Mr Nakamura moved to Sydney with his wife Yoshiko and his three then-young children Masaki, Hikari and Airena. He worked tirelessly as a leading figure in the Suzuki Method, achieving amazing results.
Prior to his less active time in recent years, he expanded and strengthened the Suzuki Association with Mr. and Mrs. Brissenden, and the result is evident in the many students and teachers of the Suzuki Method he trained.
His achievements are known and recognised not only within the Association, but also among many music organisations in Australia.
We are very saddened to lose Mr Nakamura, whom we revere, as I believe that without his achievements, the current Suzuki Association in Sydney would not exist.
We remember this with all of you and strongly hope that the development of our Suzuki Method movement, which Mr Nakamura devoted his life to, will be carried on to the next generation and continue to grow and develop. As the NSW Suzuki Association shall plan an event to formally celebrate his achievements, we are sending our condolences to the Nakamura family, Mrs Yoshiko Nakamura, and his children Masaki, Hikari, and Airena.
“Music is the language of the heart without words” —Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

New ISA Online Journal for July 2024
Use the link below to access all the articles, news and pictures from Suzuki regions around the world. Many thanks to all our contributors for this latest edition.
In this issue:
- 60th Anniversary of Dr. Suzuki’s First Japanese Tour Group
- Memories of Matsumoto
- An Itinerary with the Suzuki Method and Dedicated People
- My Trip to Washington DC
- Photos from Asia
- The 2024 SAA Conference
- The 2024 SAA Conference – A Student Perspective
- European Suzuki Flute Teachers Workshop
- Happy to be a Part of the Suzuki Tribe
View the July 2024 ISA Journal
Message from the ISA Chair July 2024
Dear Suzuki Community,

I am honored to step into the role of Chairperson of the International Suzuki Association (ISA) for the term 2024-2026. This marks a significant change, as we have decided that the chairperson can now be any member of the ISA board, not just regional representatives. We believe this will better address our needs and avoid conflicts of interest.
In the coming years, we face several challenges:
- Material Formats: We need to determine the best format for our core materials—whether printed or electronic—to serve teachers, parents, and students effectively.
- Instrument Expansion: We must decide how many different instruments the Suzuki method can accommodate and if the ISA's current structure is ideal for this purpose.
- Teacher Training Recognition: We aim to finalize a process for recognizing teacher qualifications across regions, ensuring smooth transitions for teachers moving internationally.
I extend my deepest gratitude to Prof. Ryugo Hayano for his exceptional leadership over the past three years. I hope to meet the high expectations set for me in this new role.
Martin Rüttimann
Chairperson, ISA
July 2024

Talent Education Journal Archive
All editions now available 1979-1989
From 1979-1989, Eiko and Masayoshi Kataoka self-published an English translation of the Talent Education Journal, published quarterly as the official publication of TERI in Matsumoto, Japan.
The TEJ contains articles by Dr. Suzuki, reports on concerts in Japan, contributions from the Japanese teachers, and usually an article from a parent or family in TERI. These journals are a treasure trove of information and inspiration.
Online Video Recordings of Dr. Suzuki at the 1976 American Suzuki Institute
The ISA is pleased to offer this link to the extensive Suzuki video archive at the University of Wisconsin/Stevens Point. These videos document Dr. Suzuki's visit to the American Suzuki Institute in 1976 in lessons, group classes and teachers’ sessions. The videos are a treasure-trove of inspiration from the founder of the Talent Education movement, and showcase Dr Suzuki’s teaching principles in action. We are indebted to the University for maintaining this archive and making it available to the public. We also thank the Aber Suzuki Center at UWSP for their stewardship of this priceless collection of Dr. Suzuki’s teaching, and to Patricia D'Ercole for her assistance in bringing this collection to the world-wide Suzuki community.
Use this link to access all videos:

ISA Online Journal for January 2024
Use the link below to access all the articles, news and pictures from Suzuki regions around the world. Many thanks to all our contributors for this latest edition.
In this issue:
- Welcome Carolyn Cheng to the ISA Board of Directors
- Philippine Suzuki Association Hosts National Camp
- Thailand Association of Talent Education Strings Camp
- Taiwan Talent Education Association Graduate Concerts
- Latvian Suzuki Association celebrates 10th Anniversary
- A Viola Blooms in Mexico
- Installation of Nameplate at the Birthplace of the Suzuki Method
Special Section: Reports from the Third International Teacher Trainer’s Convention
- One Size Does Not Fit All by Anke van der Bijl
- A Canadian in Matsumoto by Kathleen Schoen
- Suzuki as Adjective by Nancy Modell
- Where Love is Deep by Jan Matthiesen
- My thoughts on the 3rd International Suzuki Teacher Trainers Convention by Erica Booker
- A Report from the Third International Suzuki Trainers Conference by Beth Titterington
- International Suzuki Teacher Trainers Convention by Christoph Bossuat
- Report on Exchange Group Lesson and Concert by Eri Nakata and Yoko Ishikawa
- Special Tour to Celebrate Dr. Suzuki’s 125th Birthday by Kayono Nagata
View the January 2024 ISA Journal

Videos Now Available from the 3rd International Suzuki Teacher Trainers Convention
We are pleased to announce that TERI has finished the editing of all program archives including opening & closing ceremony, Keynote address, exchange concert and of course all meeting sessions (joint & group). All programs in Hall B (Joint meeting, Opening & Closing Ceremony, Keynote Address) can be shared with high quality simultaneous interpretation through English channel so that all detail can be easily understood by the listeners.
Please note that the cost of simultaneous interpretation and archive editing was not included in the participation fee of the convention. Considering this, TERI appreciates very much your internal promotion of the purchase of this archive for Suzuki Associations members like teachers and parents, as well as the Teacher Trainers who did not attend the convention. This will help TERI very much to cover costs of the Convention. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Below is the URL of the sales page for the convention video link.
— International Teacher Trainers Convention Executive Committee
John Kendall's Ideas for Teaching Violin

The International Suzuki Association is pleased to host John Kendall's Ideas for Teaching Violin on our website. Mr. Kendall was the first American string teacher to observe Dr. Suzuki in Japan. These videos were filmed in 1992 at SIUE and remain a treasure trove of pedagogical information even 30 years later.

ISA Online Journal for June 2023
Use the link below to access all the articles, news and pictures from Suzuki regions around the world. Many thanks to all our contributors for this latest edition.
In this issue:
- Third International Teacher Trainer Convention in Matsumoto
- The ISA Board Welcomes back Martin Rüttimann
- ISA Hosts Media Archive on the ISA Website
- Website Updates from Alfred Music Publishing
- Sanchie Bobrow Interviews Hina Khuong-Huu
- Spotlight on Calvin Alexander
- Linda Fiore Interviews Sirena Huang
- We mourn the loss of Carmencita Guanzon Arambulo
- Korea Suzuki Association Hosts In-Person Events
- Taiwan Talent Education Association hosts SECE Concert
- Three Days at Spring Suzuki Workshop Ukraine
- British Suzuki Music Association Gala Concert, Royal Albert Hall, April 2023
- Suzuki Talent Education Association of Australia Hosts Sydney Suzuki Festival
- Check out the most recent episode of “From the Top”
- Suzuki in Action: The Man and His Dream to Teach the Children of the World with Eri Hotta
- Suzuki Cello Pedagogue Rick Mooney Has Passed Away
View the June 2023 ISA Journal
A Message from the Ukrainian National Suzuki Association (UNSA)

During the past year, the entire global SUZUKI community actively helped Ukrainian children, parents, and teachers. We received money with which we bought musical instruments for students and teachers; helped evacuate people from dangerous places; bought batteries.
We also implemented three projects with the money of donors. These are the "Suzuki Orchestra Workshop" (July 2022, Kyiv), the "Music Will Save the World" project for refugee children in Ukraine and abroad, and the "Spring Suzuki Workshop" (April 2023, Kyiv). We really appreciate this kind of support that really helped us all survive!
I want to share short video about Ukrainian Workshop in Kyiv.
— Nataliia Koptienkova, Chair UNSA

Announcing the New Publication of
Suzuki Voice School Volume 1
Alfred Music and The International Suzuki Voice committee are pleased to present Suzuki Voice School Volume One.
This publication is the cooperative effort of the International Suzuki Voice Committee together with Dr. Päivi Kukkamäki, who have worked on Volume One preparation and proofreading since 2004. It sees the culmination of many years of dedication and support from teachers across the world.
"Singing together in many languages is a unique experience and allows so much more than music to foster - it crosses cultural divides and brings us together through singing.

New Recordings for Suzuki Violin School, Volumes 4–6
The International Suzuki Association, in conjunction with Alfred Music, is pleased to announce the highly anticipated recordings of the Suzuki Violin School, Volumes 4–6 by internationally renowned violinist, Augustin Hadelich in collaboration with pianist Kuang-Hao Huang.
Use the following link to sample the new recordings and for all sites to purchase the digital download. There is also a link to purchase the physical product.
The ISA Violin Committee is indebted to violinist Augustin Hadelich and pianist Kuang-Hao Huang for their exacting standards during the exhausting recording sessions for Volumes 4–6. These performers brought tremendous energy, artistry, and dedication to bear in all aspects of their collaboration for these recordings. Augustin expressed many times his appreciation for the honor of being selected as the recording artist, and for the opportunity to make a lasting contribution to the world-wide Suzuki community. These are recordings that students, parents, and teachers will enjoy listening to for years to come.
The new recordings will replace all existing ones associated with the Suzuki Violin School International Editions, Volumes 4–6. Recordings are available on CD and via digital download, and for teaching and practice purposes within SmartMusic.
Interviews about the recordings with both artists are now available on the Alfred website. Please use the following links below to access those fascinating interviews.

The ISA congratulates TERI President and ISA Chair Ryugo Hayano and ISA Flute Committee member Takeaki Miyamae for their contributions to this important research on the Suzuki Method. Please use the link below for the text of the report.
Music-Experience-Related and Musical-Error-Dependent Activations in the Brain
In collaboration with the University of Tokyo, TERI has published a research paper entitled "Music-Experience-Related and Musical-Error-Dependent Activations in the Brain" in the prestigious UK journal Cerebral Cortex. The study shows the effectiveness of the Suzuki Method for the first time using a modern brain science technique (functional MRI).
The International Suzuki Association (ISA), owner by assignment from Dr. Shinichi Suzuki of the name SUZUKI METHOD™ and the name Suzuki® with respect to music education, music educational products and educational programs including SUZUKI METHOD™ Teacher Training wishes to announce that the Asia Region Suzuki Association (ARSA) is the official and only umbrella organization recognized by the ISA for countries in the Asia region. The ARSA Teacher Training programs are the only Suzuki® Teacher Training programs recognized by the ISA and its global federation of Suzuki® Associations for the countries in Asia.
The ISA does NOT recognize the group calling themselves Asia Suzuki Association (ASA) as having any official affiliation with the ISA and the global network of Suzuki Associations. Moreover, the group calling itself the Asia Suzuki Association (ASA) uses the name Suzuki® and term Suzuki Association without permission and is in legal violation of international standards of Trademark and service mark law. Any programs, activities, competitions, awards, certificates and/or teacher training certification offered or sponsored by the illegally termed Asia Suzuki Association (ASA) are not recognized as valid by the ISA. Furthermore, the so called China Suzuki Association and other associations claiming to be country affiliates of the ASA are not in any way part of the ISA’s global network.

Suzuki Method Official Website in China
The ARSA has announced the establishment of the first Suzuki Method official website in China. The Information of Suzuki Method, Dr. Suzuki, ISA, ARSA, and Global Suzuki community can now be provided to the public in China through this official website:
Content of the website: List of trained teachers, certification received, Suzuki teacher training, information for parents/ students, announcements, news and Videos.

New Hilary Hahn Recordings Now Available on Amazon and the iTunes Store
For Suzuki Violin Volumes 13
The International Suzuki Association, in conjunction with Alfred Music, is pleased to announce that the highly anticipated recordings of the Suzuki Violin School, Volumes 13 are now available for download on Amazon, the iTunes Store®, and! Recorded by internationally renowned violinist, Hilary Hahn, in collaboration with Natalie Zhu, these recordings are also available for educational purposes in SmartMusic.

Obituary of Ms. Hiroko Suzuki
Ms. Hiroko Suzuki, former president of TERI, passed away on August 13, 2021. She was 80 years old. She is a niece of Dr. Shin'ichi Suzuki, the founder of Suzuki Method, and she grew up listening to Schubert's "Unfinished" at the suggestion of Dr. Suzuki. She graduated from Toho Gakuen School of Music with honors and has been a TERI violin and viola teacher since she was a student.
She served as the 4th President of TERI from 2013 to 2016 and has been the Honorary President of ISA from 2020.
She had been ill for several months and had been recuperating at home. She passed away peacefully at 9:00 a.m. on the 13th, attended by her son, Shigeru Ishikawa, her daughter, Sakiko Ishikawa (a piano teacher at TERI), and other family members.
The family wishes to hold a farewell party when the corona pandemic has settled down. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Ms. Suzuki for her contribution to the Suzuki Method over the years, and we pray for the repose of her soul.
Ryugo Hayano, TERI president

ISA Online Journal for June 2021
Use the link below to access all the articles, news and pictures from Suzuki regions around the world. Many thanks to all our contributors for this latest edition.
A Message for our ISA Members from the ISA:
This past year has proved the resilience, creativity and adaptability of Talent Education and Suzuki Method teachers and families around the world. Students continue to practice, lessons are taught, performances are posted online, teachers become Zoom masters, and Suzuki communities reach out across the globe to share their ideas, challenges and triumphs in this age of social upheaval and potential isolation. Music speaks to the soul of humanity. "Tone has a living soul," Dr. Suzuki has said. That life force sustains our movement even in the virtual age of the internet. How we long to share once again our skills and gifts in person. For now, we continue our work "for the happiness of all children."
Allen Lieb
TERI Students Performing Works from the Suzuki Repertoire Online.
Dr. Ryugo Hayano, the President of TERI writes:
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, group lessons and concerts in Japan have had to be cancelled, and Suzuki teachers (TERI and elsewhere) are using various online methods to provide lessons to children. Here we present one of our recent TERI challenges: 42 TERI members made an online ensemble of Bach "Concerto for Two Violins - a familiar piece at many Suzuki Method concerts - with string accompaniment.The ensemble members include not only the students from various parts of Japan but also students who have recently moved to New York.
This video was made by Mr. Masaharu Miyahara, a TERI Violin teacher living in Osaka, Japan. Please enjoy all the videos!
Lightly Row
Concerto for Two Violins in D minor BWV1043 played remotely by Japanese Suzuki children
Long Long Ago, played remotely by 91 Japanese Suzuki children
Hilary Hahn Suzuki Violin Recordings

The International Suzuki Association, in conjunction with Alfred Music, is pleased to announce the highly anticipated recordings of the Suzuki Violin School, Volumes 1-3 by internationally renowned violinist, Hilary Hahn in collaboration with pianist Natalie Zhu.
The new recordings and the Suzuki Violin School International Editions are available as:
Violin Part Book, Piano Accompaniment Book, Violin Part Book & CD, and CD only. The recordings feature tracks that include violin and piano, as well as piano accompaniment only tracks for play-along purposes. They are now available for teaching and practice purposes in SmartMusic, available for digital download on, and will soon be available on iTunes and Amazon.
Update to the 2018 ISA Press Release Concerning a False Posting by the German Suzuki Association (DSG).
The ISA has noted the continued posting of a misleading message on the website of the DSG, an organization not a part of the ESA, the ISA nor authorized to use the SUZUKI name. This post asserting that the ISA does not own the mark SUZUKI is untrue. It is a misrepresentation of fact and poses a liability issue to anyone following that course of action.
In fact, the ISA continues to own registrations for SUZUKI and other SUZUKI marks throughout the world, including Germany. Any assertion to the contrary is inaccurate.
The DSG bases its claims on a decision in a court document from November 2014. Please read the following link for a complete and accurate transcript of the document in question, and not the altered and redacted version as posted by the DSG.
The ISA has written to the administration of the DSG repeatedly requesting this post be deleted. The DSG has responded that the post is no longer on its site. However, the post clearly does remain on the DSG site despite those assurances. ISA will continue to monitor this misrepresentation of its protection of the SUZUKI trademark in the interest of and obligations to all members of the world-wide Suzuki community.

TERI NatsumatsuriSuzuki Method Summer Festival at Home 2020

In Memory of Constance Starr
The ISA regrets to announce the passing of Suzuki Piano pedagogue Constance Starr at her home in Boulder, CO, Monday, August 26 . Prior to her pioneering work in the Suzuki piano movement, Connie had established a career as a noted performer and teacher in both piano and viola. Additionally, she and her husband William Starr, had been proponents and founders of the Montessori Association in their Knoxville, TN community, showcasing their intense interest in early childhood education. In 1968-69, Connie, along with her husband Bill and their 8 children, spent 14 months in Japan observing in depth Suzuki piano teaching, both in students' lessons and performances. Upon their return to the US, Connie wrote the first articles and gave the first workshops introducing Suzuki piano to American piano teachers. Subsequently she served as Chair of the SAA Piano Committee and as piano editor for the SAA Journal. She was sought after as a clinician and Teacher-Trainer in the SAA region and abroad for institutes and workshops, and as a faculty member for numerous international conferences. Connie is also remembered by parents and teachers around the globe for her authorship along with Bill of the seminal work, To Learn with Love; A Companion for Suzuki Parents, still the gold standard in Suzuki parent education.
On behalf of the entire Suzuki community, the ISA extends its condolences to the Starr family, and its appreciation and gratitude for Connies decades-long service and guidance to countless families and teachers in the Talent Education movement world-wide. Thank you to her family for sharing her life with all of us.

An Official Statement to the Suzuki Community from Alfred Music about the Suzuki Violin School Recordings
October 30, 2018
"We take the allegations of sexual misconduct that have been made against violinist William Preucil, Jr. extremely seriously, and we are dismayed at the findings of the investigation conducted on behalf of the Cleveland Orchestra. To that end, we will work closely with the International Suzuki Association and will replace our current Suzuki Violin School recordings with new recordings as soon as possible."

In Memoriam: Mary Craig Powell
It is with great sadness that we inform SAA friends of the passing of Mary Craig Powell of Columbus, OH. She was a much beloved Suzuki teacher and Teacher Trainer. As many of you know, she had a long battle with cancer. She passed away peacefully on Sunday, January 20. Mary Craig will be missed by so many worldwide
Please read the full article
Tove Detreköy, Suzuki Pioneer and Founder of the Danish Suzuki Institute, has passed away.

News from Alfred Music Concerning Suzuki Method Publications
News for the Suzuki Violin School: Volumes 1 8
News for the Suzuki Flute School: Volume 1
Discussion Group Name Change: ISA Trademark
January 18, 2017 ISA Board
Request that the Facebook ISTEX page be removed
ISA submitted a request to Facebook that it take down the ISTEX page because its use of "International Suzuki Teachers Exchange" infringed on ISA's INTERNATIONAL SUZUKI related trademark registrations throughout the world. Specifically, ISA is the owner of over 50 trademark registrations and applications of the trademark SUZUKI combined with the word INTERNATIONAL for various goods and services, including printed music materials, books, recordings, musical educational/training services, and association memberships. The registrations include the US and over thirty countries spread over the five major continents, including all countries of the European Union (with separate country-specific national registrations in Germany, the UK and others), China, Russia, Columbia, and more.
ISA regards its intellectual property rights very seriously, and consistent with that, takes all steps necessary to protect such rights and to prevent the unauthorized use of its intellectual property, including its trademarks. The ISA had contacted the administrator of the site previously about this issue several times, but received no reply. ISA first objected to the misuse of its trademarks and other intellectual property by the "German Suzuki Association" and Ms. Wartberg over two years ago in an attempt to resolve ISA's concern amicably. Those discussions were not successful and, therefore, ISA was compelled to begin taking action to stop it.
ISA had no objections to the content of the Facebook page per se. The objection was to the use of "International Suzuki Teachers Exchange": namely, the use of "INTERNATIONAL SUZUKI" along with the descriptive terms "teachers" and "exchange" in the Facebook name, cover photo, wall posts, and photos. Such use not only copies and infringes ISA's INTERNATIONAL SUZUKI related trademark rights, but also creates the false and misleading impression of sponsorship by or affiliation with ISA, in violation of ISA's rights under the laws of all countries.
ISA has no intent to discourage teachers or proponents of children's music education from communicating with each other or promoting their events. In fact, there are many other existing, non-infringing online forums for such communication and promotion. The concern simply was the infringing use of ISA's registered trademarks.
Responses from the Suzuki Community to Mark O'Connors Allegations
- Inaccurate and false statements by American fiddler Mark O'Connor about Shinichi Suzuki
- Pan Pacific Suzuki Association Response
- Mrs. Hiroko Suzuki's Statement
ESA/DSG Settlement
August 2015
50th Anniversary Concert of the Ten Suzuki Children
TERI is planning a Grand Concert celebrating the 50-year anniversary of the first Suzuki Method Tour Group to take place on Monday, March 31, 2014, in Tokyo's Suntory Hall. Teachers and students are invited to participate.
Digital Downloads of Suzuki Recordings
Update from Alfred Music, 1/25/13
Concerning availability of Suzuki recordings as mp3 downloads
Responding to requests from members, the ISA began working with Alfred Music approximately a year ago to make the Suzuki recordings available as mp3 downloads. We are very excited to let you know that, in the summer of 2013, recordings will become available at, beginning with the first volumes of violin, viola, cello, and bass.
The request is in to iTunes and Amazon to also carry the recordings but Alfred has no control over when this will happen. For pedagogical reasons, the ISA made the decision that the recordings will be sold by book as albums, rather than as individual pieces. Alfred is pleased to make this option available.
Also working with new technology, these same volumes will be released as ebooks later in 2013 through the Apple store. This exciting format includes the audio embedded on the page with the music.
Yasuki Nakamura honoured for service to music

3 Dec 12 @ 4:48pm by John Morcombe
He was one of the original students of Japanese violinist Shinichi Suzuki in the Suzuki method of teaching and for the past 33 years has been passing on his knowledge to Australian students.
Now Yasuki Nakamura, of Bayview, has been appointed an honorary Member of the Order of Australia. He was recognised for his service to music education, particularly the violin, through his contribution to the Suzuki Method in Australia and overseas.
Dr. Suzuki developed the Suzuki method of teaching music, which is based on providing the right environment for learning music while also fostering good character in the students.
"The aim is not just to train musicians but also to create wonderful human beings," Mr Nakamura said. "It can be used for music and for other areas of human education."
Yasuki Nakamura was among 18 non-Australian citizens recognised for their services to this country. Mr. Nakamura has lived in Australia for 33 years.
Suzuki Method World Convention in Japan
March 27-31, 2013

The 16th Suzuki Method World Convention will take place March 27-31, 2013, in Matsumoto City, Nagano, Japan.
The event is sponsored by the Talent Education Research Institute (the Suzuki Method organization in Japan). The theme this year is The World will be One, Joined Together by Children Making Music.
The last Suzuki Method World Convention took place in Melbourne, Australia, in 2009. The last World Convention to be held in Japan was in 1999, the year after Dr. Suzuki's death.
World Conventions feature events for teachers and students alike, with lectures, concerts, lessons, and master classes. The 2013 Convention hopes to bring together Suzuki students from throughout the world to play and study together.
For more information, see the 16th Suzuki Method World Convention website.
Summary of the October 2010 ISA Board Meeting
The ISA Board of Directors held its annual meeting in Seoul, Korea October 8-10, 2010. The session was very productive. The formal minutes of the meeting will be posted after they are accepted at the 2011 meeting. Following is a summary of the 2010 meeting:
The meeting opened with a welcome from ISA Board Chair Hwang, Kyung-Ik (ASA). It was followed by a greeting from ISA President, Koji Toyoda. Following the greetings, the board paid tribute to Nehama Patkin, ISA At-Large Director, who passed away last spring.
Julia Breen was elected as an At-Large Director to fulfill Nehama Patkin's term which expires June 30, 2012. Paul Landefeld, current CEO of the ISA, was elected to the Board as an At-Large director, term July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2016.
Hideya Taida (TERI) was elected ISA Board Chair for the term July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2013. Pamela Brasch (SAA and current Board Treasurer) was elected Vice-Chair for the term July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2013. Paul Landefeld was elected Secretary for the term July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2013.
Gilda Barston was employed as ISA CEO from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.
Among the topics discussed at the meeting were copyright issues with Suzuki publications, future world conferences and teacher trainer conferences, teacher training systems in the 5 regions, responsibilities of regional associations, regional association reports and instrument committee reports.
At each ISA Board meeting, the ISA vision is discussed and updated. This year, the ISA Board approved the following vision:
Dr. Suzuki's name and method is known and respected throughout the world.
ISA is the umbrella for the Suzuki world.
Children are well educated.
Parents and teachers have the tools to educate children.
The finest possible Suzuki materials are available.
Suzuki ideas are shared internationally.
Suzuki teacher training is available throughout the world.
The next ISA Board Meeting will be held in Tokyo, Japan in October, 2011.
Gilda Barston
ISA Board Secretary
Dr. Masaaki Honda
Dr. Masaaki Honda, long a respected supporter and leader in the Suzuki movement, passed away on June 8, 2011. A memorial service and concert are scheduled on Monday, July 18, 2011.
Memorial Service: 16:00 - 17:00
Memorial Concert: 18:00 - 19:00
Fujisawa Catholic Church
1-1-17 Ishigami Kugenuma Fujisawa-shi
Tel: +81-466-27-2787

New ISA CEO, Gilda Barston
Gilda Barston is the new Chief Executive Officer of the International Suzuki Association as of July 1, 2011. Many thanks to Paul Landefeld, the previous ISA CEO, for all his hard work!
In the wake of the earthquake tsunami, conditions continue to change in Japan from day to day. Earlier this week, the Talent Education Research Institute in Matsumoto (TERI) (the Suzuki Association in Japan) was able to determine that all Suzuki teachers were safe and that most Suzuki families were safe, as well. (Communications lines were down, making it impossible to reach a few families in the northeast area.) We are relieved that members of the Suzuki family are doing OK amid so much destruction.
We are aware that Suzuki students throughout the world desire to express their concern and support for the victims of the earthquake, the tsunami, and the nuclear crisis. We encourage teachers and students to act in a way that they think is appropriate. Some studios and programs are planning practice-a-thons, play-ins, or other events; others are considering ways to pay tribute to Japan in their spring concerts. We suggest that teachers and families check with their regional or country associations for information about any plans being made.
If your decision is to make donations, we encourage you to send funds through a reliable relief organization. You might want to consult the following link to the American Institute of Philanthropy to learn about relief agencies helping with this tragedy in Japan.
If you wish to donate directly to the Talent Education Research Institute in Matsumoto, please see the following webpage for information:
We anticipate needs to continue throughout the summer and into the fall. In the coming months, the SAA plans to work with the International Suzuki Association in considering a region-wide or international musical tribute to Japan, the birthplace of the Suzuki method. We will keep you apprised of those plans as they develop.
—Paul Landefeld, CEO

Nehama Patkin Memorial Concert
A memorial concert for Australian pianist and teacher, Nehama Patkin, will be held in Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University, Clayton Campus, Victoria Australia on March 6, 2011. Nehama passed away on March 26, 2010 of a bone infection in her hip. She was 70 years old.
Nehama Patkin was a devoted Suzuki teacher and teacher trainer, traveling frequently to institutes, conferences and workshops throughout the world. She served on the ISA Board of Directors as a member-at-large from 2007 until her death in 2010.
With her passing, the Suzuki community has lost a dynamic and talented leader. She will be greatly missed.
Information about the concert is available at

Frank Longay
1948 - 2011
It is with the deepest sadness that we announce the passing of Frank Longay on Wednesday, January 19.
Frank was a founding member and chairman of both the Guitar Committee of the International Suzuki Association and the Guitar Committee for the Suzuki Association of the Americas. Frank took a leadership role in developing a graded repertoire for the guitar through Suzuki methodology and, as a registered Teacher Trainer, he worked tirelessly to pass along his knowledge and experience to guitar instructors in the U.S. and around the world.
Frank's efforts distinguished him as an internationally recognized music educator. He performed and conducted teacher development courses and children's workshops on numerous occasions in Australia, several countries in South America and Europe and across the United States. His students have won prestigious awards including the Bay Area Unicef Concerts and the Junior Bach Festivals. He was featured in articles in Suzuki World, the American Suzuki Journal, Soundboard (the journal for the Guitar Foundation of America) and in an interview for Acoustic Guitar Magazine.
For his dedication to the development of Suzuki Guitar School and the creation of the Longay Conservatory of Guitar, Frank was honored as a 2006 recipient of the distinguished Creating Learning Community award presented by the Suzuki Association of the Americas.

John D. Kendall
August 30, 1917 - January 6, 2011
John Kendall, 93, a violin pedagogue widely known for his role in introducing the Suzuki method of music education in the United States, died at Arbor Hospice in Ann Arbor, Michigan, on January 6. Mr. Kendall's health had been in decline after he suffered a mild stroke in November 2010.
The International Suzuki Association mourns the loss of Professor John W. Kendall. Mr. Kendall was one of the founders of the Suzuki movement, bringing the Suzuki philosophy and method to the attention of musicians and educators throughout the world. His infectious personality and enthusiasm inspired thousands of students, teachers and parents.
The Board of Directors of the ISA extends their deepest sympathy to John's family. We will always be grateful for his involvement and dedication to the Suzuki movement. His presence in the Suzuki community will be greatly missed.
Gilda Barston, Secretary
International Suzuki Association Board of Directors
Read John Kendall's obituary and share your tribute with the Suzuki community
Previous Board Meetings
- Seoul, South Korea: Friday, October 8 to Monday, October 11, 2010
- Boston, MA: Monday, October 12 to Wednesday, October 14, 2009.
- Reykjavik, Iceland: October 5-7, 2008.
International Piano Committee
Books 1-3 of the New International Piano edition were published in May 2008, with new recordings by Seizo Azuma. The ISA's International Piano Committee met in Denver, Colorado in November 2008 to continue its work on books 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the piano repertoire. Further meetings are planned for July 2009 and October 2009.
Previous meetings took place in Columbus, Ohio in September 2007 and England in October 2006 and in Turin in April 2006 during the Suzuki World Convention.
International Violin Committee
The International Violin Committee met in Reykjavik, Iceland on 3-4 October 2008, continuing its work on preparing new editions of books 4-8 of the violin repertoire.