Memories of Matsumoto from Suzuki Graduates and Pioneers

The ISA commissioned TERI Violin Graduate and SAA Teacher-Trainer Amanda Schubert the daunting task of collecting and creating a permanent archive of written memories and photos from Suzuki teachers around the world who were fortunate to attend and graduate from the then-named Talent Education Institute (now known as TERI) in Matsumoto, under the tutelage of Dr. Suzuki and the other trainers at the school in cello, flute, guitar, oboe, piano and violin.
Truly we are indebted to Amanda for this comprehensive archive of prose and photos that will be updated as we continue to receive additional material from contributors. If you are one of those (!), please contact the ISA office for information concerning submissions. The goal is to collect as many memories as possible to share with our Suzuki family around the globe.
Enjoy browsing through this vast treasure trove of memories of lessons and experiences in Japan.
Pictured right: Talent Education Institute from the Lilac Garden - 1978
The purpose of this project is to collect and preserve the memories of Matsumoto Suzuki Graduates and Pioneers, and to share with others the invaluable lessons learned while living in Japan studying with Dr. Suzuki, Dr. Kataoka, Mr. Takahashi, and Mr. Nagase. This is an ongoing collection. After this initial posting, updates will be made as more memories and pictures are submitted from additional graduates. Thank you, Suzuki pioneers, for your wonderful contributions.
Amanda Schubert
January, 2024
List of Contributors
Contributors are listed by instrument studied in Japan and alphabetically by current last name. If a contributor’s last name was different in Japan, it is in parentheses in bold beside the current name. If a contributor studied an additional instrument, it is noted in parentheses.
- Barraclough, Suzanne (Brimhall)
- Barrett, Kimberly (Armstrong, then Barrett)
- Barrett, Tim
- Becker, Donald
- Berger, John
- Bossuat-Gallic, Judy W. (Weigert)
- Bossuat, Christophe
- Brunner, Helen (viola)
- Crock, Winifred Woodard (Woodard/koto)
- Flores Jr., Efrain “Pino”
- Grafton, Nora (Parten/piano)
- Higa, Helen
- Kataoka, Chizu (cello)
- Kobayashi, Betsy (Deming)
- Landefeld, Paul
- Lee, Cathryn S.
- Lieb, Allen
- Lim, Donna
- Lipman, Felicity
- McLarry, Lacy
- Ponce, Tina Oyer (Oyer)
- Priest, Lesley (Priest)
- Rogot, Joe
- Sandrok, Rebecca
- Schubert, Amanda (McLarry)
- Shepheard, Catherine
- Shepheard, Lois
- Shimano, Rhonda Harrison- (Harrison)
- Sprunger, Edmund
- Stieg, Linda
- Stieg, Roger
- Tsuzuki, Eileen Suganuma (Kosmala)
- Anderson, Bruce (violin)
- Brimhall, Cleo
- de Leeuw, Huub
- Hargrave, Cathy Williams (Medley & Williams)
- Landefeld, Lorraine
- Miura, Ruth
- Trautman, Ken (violin as a Suzuki parent)
- Breen, Julia (piano)
- Paluzzi, Rebecca
- Kossler, William - studied with Mr. Toshio Takahashi